Union Presbyterian Church
*5615 Union Road, Gastonia NC 28056* *704.864.7681*

Learn & Grow
There are a ton of opportunities to fellowship with one another and learn and grow together and Union Presbyterian Church. Feel free to use the menu below to find out more about.
Children's Sunday School & Children's Church
Workshop Rotational Sunday School:
At 9:00 am on Sundays children in elementary school can participate in our Sunday Program, Dig In, produced by Group. It is a exciting way for our children to "dig in" deeply to the Bible!
Our Older Youth on Sundays our led by a rotating group of teachers and are using the "Seen" curriculum through David Cook. This curriculum is specifically designed to help youth better articulate their faith.

Children & Youth Weekly Groups
Kids of the Kingdom:
Program for elementary aged children at 3:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Games, Bible Stories, and fun abound!
Youth Group:
Program for Middle School and High School students at 4:00 pm on Sunday evenings in the youth building! Join them for food, Bible study, and games!

Adult Sunday School
We have 3 adult classes that meet during the 9:00 hour. 2 classes meet downstairs and 1 across from the Sanctuary. Each of the adult classes are open to any adult.
-Connections Class: tends is intended for all ages, but is the best choice for younger adults of the congregation. The class studies themes that play out throughout Scripture.
-Potter's Clay Class: tends to reach out to empty-nesters. The class is currently using curriculum by David C. Cook.
-David Glen Class: tends to consists mostly of Seniors. The class is currently using Standard Lesson Quarterly Curriculum.
Don't forget to join us for worship at 10:00 am after Sunday School!
Children's Vacation Bible School
Each summer, Union puts on a Vacation Bible School for the community. This week long event takes place in the evenings, involves dinner, and is for all ages!
Adult Groups
Tuesday Morning Bible Study: meets each Tuesday at 10:00 am. Class walks through books of the Bible, chapter by chapter.
Men of the Church: the men's planning council welcomes all men and meets the first Sunday of the month at 11 am. The Men of the Church also meet often during throughout the year for fellowship, worship, and to do service in the community.
Men's Bible Study meets each Monday evening at the church at 7:00 pm.
Women of the Church Circle Groups: small groups that meet once a month for fellowship, Bible study, and to plan ministry endeavors. Both circles meet the first Monday of the month.
The Golden Girls Circle meets at 11:00 am at the church.
The Evening Women’s Circle meets at 7:00 pm at various homes.
Happy Years: a special lunch for our senior citizens that meets every 3rd Wednesday.
Co-ed Volleyball: Union is involved in a Co-Ed Volleyball league that plays each Autumn.